v4.7 [May 17, 2013]
The main change is a totally revised set-up process and workflow. It is now fast and simple to install and get started with Automap with a step by step guide that ensures your DAW is properly configured. Getting control of your software is now more streamlined and logical, meaning less time assigning controls and more time making music. The GUI has been overhauled to display the information you need more clearly. The GUI now uses notifications (which appear briefly in the corner of your monitor) to tell you when control events are taking place. You can then chose to click on the notification to open the Automap window and display more information on the control surface layout - or you can turn them off altogether. This has replaces the 'hide' and 'resize' features on the old GUI. Automap also works fluidly with the VST3 plug-in format.
v4.5 [Oct 1, 2012]
- Added Mountain Lion Compatibility.
- Fixed issue where preset could not be changed with speed dial on SL Mk II and SL Compact.
- Corrected Default Mapping load behavior with Nocturn.
- Updated Impulse firmware to version 670 which fixes issues with overlapping keyboard zones.
- Improved Nocturn Keyboard LED feedback of Logic's transport.
v4.3 [Mar 14, 2012]
- Added Reaper, Studio One, Digital Performer, Pro Tools LE and Logic Express 9 in Setup Wizard
- Revised Plug-In focus follow on screen option
- Further integrated Automap into Ableton Live for Impulse users: there are now 2 modes for the PlugIn button, one for Live devices and one for Automap
Changes and fixes:
- Added HUI support for Reaper, Studio One, Digital Performer and Pro Tools LE in Setup Wizard
- Added support for Logic Express 9 in Setup Wizard
- Added 'Ignore HUI heartbeat messages' in HUI setting (only tick this box if you are a Reaper user)
- Added Automap mode to Impulse's Plugin button when using with Ableton Live
- Updaded Impulse Firmware to version 663, now the Plugin button has two modes when use with Ableton Live. Mode 1 (constant light): to control Live device, Mode 2 (flashing light) to control Automap enabled plug-ins
- updated SL Mkii firmware to version 1.3.12
- updated Zero SL Mkii firmware to version 1.3.14
- Fixed Automap asking for password when launching on DAW on OSX
- Fixed VST3 not working when 'Follow on screen Plug-In where possible' is ticked (in the expense of Steinberg's VST3 plug-ins on screen rotaries not working, Windows only)
- Fixed VST plug-ins not auto focusing when using Sonar.
- Fixed track name not appearing after load a session with HUI in Digital Performer
- Fixed automap enabled VST3 plug-ins crashing or not loading in Studio One.
- Fixed bug when plugging and unplugging hardware continuously on OSX Lion
- Fixed crash when tracking up and down with Impulse 25 using Reason.
- Improved Logic setup guide
- Reduced Mac and Win installer download size
- Removed Mac PPC support
- Fixed Impulse Preview button not working on Mac
- Updated Studio One setup guide to include additional keyboard setup information
v4.2 [Jan 14, 2012]
Fixes:Fixed Automap asking for password on launch when running in OSX. It will only ask once after installing;Fixed potential crash when running new installs on OSX 10.6 or 10.7;Fixed permissions with VST folders on OSX Lion by adding 'Installer Helper' after installation;Fixed VST plugins requiring to be re-enabled when updating Automap on Windows. Automap un-installer will now only run when installing from version 3.x to 4.x.